Are Skateboard Rails Worth It

Are Skateboard Rails Worth It? Answered

If you’re a skateboarder grinding away, you may have thought about adding rails to your board. Rails, those little plastic or metal strips that attach to the underside of your skateboard, are often a subject of debate. Are they just for show, or do they offer some real benefits? Let’s dig in to find out.

Are Skateboard Rails Worth It?

Skateboard rails are a popular accessory among skateboarders, but are they really worth it? Well, it depends on your personal preferences and style of riding. Skateboard rails, also known as grind rails or coping rails, are typically made of metal or plastic and are designed to be attached to the edges of ramps or other skateboarding obstacles.

A variety of beginner-friendly skateboard rails, including Rib Bones, Shorty's Plastic Rails, and Black Diamond, showcasing their features and suitability for new skateboarders.

They provide a smooth surface for grinding, sliding, and performing various tricks. For skaters who enjoy grinding and sliding, skateboard rails can enhance their overall experience and allow them to explore new tricks and techniques. However, for those who prefer a more traditional style of skateboarding or focus more on street tricks, skateboard rails may not be necessary. Ultimately, whether skateboard rails are worth it or not is subjective and will vary depending on the individual skateboarder.

Types of Skateboard Rails

Impact on Performance

Speed and Balance
Rails can affect your board’s performance in several ways. For starters, they can make your board slide faster during grinds. Plus, their even weight distribution can help with balance.

Long-term, rails can protect your board from the wear and tear of grinding. This extends the life of your skateboard, saving you money in the long run.

Best Rails for Beginners

Rib Bones
They’re made of plastic, easy to install, and won’t break the bank.

Shorty’s Plastic Rails
These offer a good balance between durability and price.

Black Diamond
If you want to try metal, these rails are light and relatively easy to set up.

Skateboard with visually striking rails, used in an urban environment to smoothly navigate rough terrain, illustrating the practical and aesthetic benefits of adding rails to a skateboard.

Cost vs Benefit

Let’s do some simple math. Quality skateboard rails can cost anywhere from $10 to $30. Considering they can extend the life of your $50-$100 skateboard deck, that’s a win in terms of investment.

Practical Uses

Beyond skate parks, rails are handy in urban settings where surfaces are only sometimes smooth. They can help you glide over rough spots without getting stuck.

Personal Style

Pay attention to the aesthetic aspect! Rails come in various colors and styles, adding a touch of personal flair to your board.

The Verdict

So, are skateboard rails worth it? They offer increased speed, balance, and board longevity, all for a relatively low cost. Plus, they look fantastic. If you’re a beginner, plenty of affordable, easy-to-install options exist. Considering all these benefits, it’s hard to see why you wouldn’t want to add rails to your skateboarding setup.

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